
The Data Collector

Data from sensors is normally collected by a local Gateway the tags the data and sends it to the cloud server. JemRF has a WiFi Gateway for their wireless sensors and also provides application software to use a Raspberry Pi as a gateway.
The JemRF WiFi Sensors at as both sensor to collect reading and gateway to format that information and send to the server.
  • Connect to the local WiFi
  • Provides the path for the data from the sensors to the Monitoring Server.
  • Receives measurements or event changes from the Sensors over a private wireless link.
  • More complex gateways can store the sensor samples for days in the event of a network outage then upload the history it has collected.

Gateways are where the magic of the system happens, they controls how often the hardwired sensors are monitored.
They processes the messages from the wireless RF sensors and forward that information to the cloud server.

The Store and Forward Gateway provides the extra features of locally storing data with the time it was received to the nearest second. It keeps that information until it has been successfully uploaded to the cloud server.
This allows drop outs of the local Internet or WiFi to not result in a loss of data.
With an attached battery pack, the Store and Forward Gateway could go on road trips in the back of a refrigerated supply truck and when it returns home, dump the days readings for review.

The Sensors

There are a variety of supported sensors, the most common are the temperature and door contacts. The water temperature sensor has the water proof sensor at the end of a 2 foot extension. This allows for monitoring items like inside a fish tank.
Sensors are easy to install and relocate as needed, just power on, place inside or near what you want monitored and your are done.

Temperature Sensors

- Work from across the room or inside a nearby refrigerator or freezer.
- Temperature range -30° F to 140° F
- Reporting accuracy +/- 1.8° F
- Same for both air and water sensors


Other Wireless Sensors

Operating conditions for wireless devices,
    actual ranges may vary based on actual facility structures.
  • Working temperature range -30° F to 140° F
  • 500 ft open space
  • 80 ft with soft wall
  • 40 ft inside glass door deli
  • 10 to 30 ft inside sealed cooling unit, depending on wall construction.

The Monitoring Service

The Monitoring Service is where it all comes together.
On the Monitoring Server you configure the reporting names of your Gateways and Sensors, set the alert contacts and methods, and monitor the near real-time status of all the sensors connected to the Gateway.
One account can own and manage many Gateways and Sensors.

The monitoring is based on Sensors.
-- Data retention per sensor is 30 days at actual sampled rate, usually 5 per minute.
-- Hourly summaries up to 90 days for long term requirements, contact sales for longer retention options.
-- Operating temperature for Gateway is 40° F to 100° F

Contact Us

Contact us at sales @  to help you determine what options will work best for you.